Tribute to Prof. Corso

A faithful friend and companion of Don Antonio Campana, the Matanzas Historian Professor Don Alfonso Corso was the one who baptized the enterprise with the name of Campanópolis or the city of the campaign, as well as carried out several historical research works in the village.

They say that when a tree leaves the family yard, it leaves a large hole of light standing. For those who didn't share anything with him, there's simply nothing there. On the other hand, for those who took shelter in its shade or shared its presence rich in memories, that hollow of open sky makes it present again at every dawn... No one is replaced. The personal mystery is unrepeatable. But what one knew how to give, that endures, because God is faithful to his friends.


During the almost 40 years of design of existence of this village, Campanopolis was always requested by various entities, schools, associations, friends, foundations, art and photography groups, parishes, social action groups among others.

Some visits were...
  • Work of Father Mario Pantaleo
  • Historical Museum of La Matanza
  • Congregation of the Nursing Sisters of the Sorrowful Virgin
  • FINTECO Association
  • UNUC Home & Day Center Color Hope
  • THE HAPPENING. Directed by Professor Miguel Angel Materazzi
  • Municipality of La Matanza.
  • Embassy of India
  • Argentine Circle of Equestrian Hunts
  • Malvinas Veterans Centre
  • Ombudsman's Office, La Matanza, Province of Tucumán
  • Various Primary and Secondary Schools in La Matanza
  • Caritas San Justo
  • Various Galleries of Photographers' Groups.
  • Fund. for Interdisciplinary Communication Research (Mental Health)
  • Buenos Aires Police
  • Government of the City of Buenos Aires (José T Borda Hospital)
  • Argentine Association of Sports for the Blind
  • Rotary International
  • Rotary Club Gonzalez Catan
  • Argentine Air Force (General Staff)
  • World Psychiatric Association
  • Argentine Federal Police
  • National Secretariat of Tourism
  • Father Mario Pantaleo Foundation
  • Parish of San José G Catán
  • National Atomic Energy Commission
  • Argentinisches Tageblatt
  • Ministry of Education and Justice of La Matanza
  • Centro Studi Meridionali
  • CNN International
  • Magazines and newspapers of various media
  • Ricardo Montaner Producciones
  • Club Mini Cuper Argentina
  • Rotary Club Chile, Lugano, Gonzalez Catan, I. Casanova
  • Carburizing TV
  • Collectivity Slovenia
  • Don Juan Manuel de Rosas Historical Museum